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What is AWS DevOps: Everything you need to know

What is AWS DevOps

AWS has been changing cloud computing since it was launched over a decade ago. There are multiple cloud providers in the market, but the fact that AWS is a market leader in cloud services shows how fast AWS DevOps services have grown.

When you build something that you want to scale, it’s better to start with the right foundations. If you’re working on something special, and want to onboard abundant users, it makes sense to use a cloud-based system. This is where AWS DevOps starts and how it can help you.

I’m going to break down what AWS DevOps is, the popular tools used from DevOps perspective and its use. I’ll also outline the advantages of using Amazon Web Services to enhance the deployment of your applications to the cloud. Stay tuned…

What is AWS DevOps?

AWS DevOps is the union of two streams of development that are the most promising ones at this point. Amazon Web Services is a simple, powerful, and reliable set of cloud services. DevOps is an approach to software development that emphasises communication and frequent deployment through automation.

AWS DevOps combines these two ideas to create a system for building better software faster. If you can trust your organisation’s infrastructure, you can focus on your own work instead of spending time managing servers.

AWS DevOps isn’t just about speed or reliability, however: it’s also about getting better results. When you’re using AWS DevOps, you’re constantly reviewing how effective your system is and how quickly it can make changes. Through this process of testing, observing results, and making improvements you can start doing work; that’s both more rewarding and more satisfying than ever before.

AWS DevOps Benefits

To make sure you understand why we should use AWS DevOps, here are a few benefits of it.

  1. Secure: The first and the foremost benefit is that it helps to improve the quality of the product by making it more secure. AWS follows standard security protocols to ensure the services fall in compliance and follow best security practices. It offers a wide variety of security services like Trusted Advisior and AWS GuardDuty. These are super helpful in finding security issues in your applications.
  2. Automation : It helps to save your resources by eliminating redundant tasks and automating them. Gone are the days, when you had to manually spun up a server customising each of the equipments required; or copy paste your code manually. Thanks to AWS which makes it a one click process with its rich CI/CD pipeline service that it offers.
  3. Cost Effective : It saves time and money by automating processes. In today’s competitive world, cost-effectiveness has become a must for any business and this is where it can be beneficial. It follows pay-as-you- use model with as low as per second billing which is very accurate and cost saving.
  4. Performance: Another advantage of using AWS DevOps is that it increases productivity and performance of your software applications through effective monitoring and automatic scaling. AWS Cloudwatch is best in terms of monitoring your applications for its performance and improve the same.
  5. Easy to use: Lastly, but not the least, AWS allows you to get started quickly without having to worry about managing infrastructure. You just define your applications and AWS takes care of everything else.

AWS DevOps Tools

AWS offers over 200 fully featured services from datacentres across all geographies. From build and deployment perspective, below are the popular CICD tools

  • AWS CodePipeline: There are a lot of great services that AWS offers, and CodePipeline is a major player to watch. The flexibility and ease of use are game changers, and although this service alone may not be enough to help you compete with Google or Microsoft in the cloud computing market, it allows you to bring your entire platform under the convenient umbrella of AWS. From there, it’s easy to expand into other services that other competitors in the cloud computing market may still be working to implement.
  • AWS CodeCommit: AWS CodeCommit is a git repo that stores your code in the cloud. You do not have to store your code in a repository before pushing it to CodeCommit. If you’re satisfied with the current state of your version control software, there’s no rush for you to make the switch. But if you find yourself longing for AWS’s deployment features as your project grows, it may be time to check out CodeCommit.
What is AWS DevOps
  • AWS CodeBuild: AWS CodeBuild creates fully-configured build environments by automatically installing required components, such as language runtimes, operating systems, and dependencies. You can use AWS CodePipeline to configure automated builds for your source code stored in GitHub or Bitbucket.
  • AWS CodeDeploy: AWS CodeDeploy makes it easy to automatically deploy your code every time there is a new commit to your repository. You can also configure AWS CodeDeploy to perform any number of steps after it completes a deployment, such as running your automated tests or publishing software updates to Amazon S3.

AWS Container Tools

From micro-services and containerisation perspective, below are the honourable mentions :

  • AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service) : ECS is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers. With ECS you can easily deploy and manage containerised applications on AWS using familiar AWS services like Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), Amazon EC2 Container Registry (ECR), Amazon CloudWatch and IAM. You don’t need any additional software or hardware to run your containers. ECS takes care of provisioning EC2 instances and scheduling containers across them according to workloads you specify.
  • AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) : AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) is a highly available and scalable container management service that makes it easy to run Kubernetes on AWS. AWS EKS runs multiple Kubernetes worker nodes, called controllers, on independent hardware hosts, making it safe for you to run production workloads. These worker nodes are configured by AWS EKS and are patched and updated automatically in a fully managed manner.
  • AWS Lambda: AWS Lambda is a compute service which runs your code in response to events and automatically manages the compute resources for you, making it easy to create applications that respond quickly to new information. It’s a zero-administration compute platform provided by Amazon as a part of Amazon Web Services (AWS). It had been announced in November 2014 at AWS re:Invent. As a part of AWS, it is a fast-evolving service with frequent updates and enhancements.


In a nutshell, AWS DevOps helps in easier communication and workflow among the different departments of an organisation. It simplifies communication between software development teams and IT operations teams that allows both parties to understand each other better and keep each other up to date. Common problems such as broken deployments is a thing of the past. It allows businesses to run better and more efficiently.

I hope that you have learned some valuable information in this article and I highly recommend that you continue reading about this topic for more information about its benefits along with tools and resources to help you get started from. Are you working as a AWS DevOps or plan to switch your carreer as one? Which services/tools do you use? Let me know in the comments below.

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